1. Research
Learning about market, users, competitors, and trends using qualitative and quantitative research.
2. Analysis
Understanding results and context, interpreting wills and wants, compiling reports and learnings.
3. Ideation
Sketching ideas and assumptions, outlining concepts, user flows, and architecture maps.
4. Design
Framing ideation, setting layouts, designing elements and functionality using wireframes, and prototypes.
5. Testing
Observing users, collecting feedback, learning usability flaws.
6. Delivery
Taking the designs to development, assisting by definitions and guides for implementation.
Services / LEAN User Experience Design

LEAN UX Design

Our design agency offers a comprehensive range of UX design services including flow modeling, wireframing, advanced prototyping, UI design, web interfaces, conversational and voice-activated UI, user testing, and development support.

We use modern design tools and techniques to create visually appealing designs that are user-centric and comply with the client's brand. Our iterative design process involves user feedback and testing to ensure a seamless and satisfactory user experience.


1.1 Onboarding

Our UX design team provides an efficient onboarding process that accelerates the design process and sets a rational basis for design. We help clients optimize their business goals and current problems, revise user personas, define design objectives, determine the roadmap and actionable tasks, and create a report capturing the learnings from the workshop.

1.2 Heuristic evaluation

Our designers challenge the interface against heuristics determining the usability and friendliness of the software. We examine predictability, consistency, and general ease of use, revise navigation structure and information architecture, evaluate aesthetics and visual clarity, challenge system feedback, and input forgiveness, and create a report capturing the learnings from the evaluation.

1.3 User research & persona definition

We run anthropological, one-on-one interviews to learn about potential users' lifestyles and motives, structure a questionnaire for the interviews, examine user mental models and potential difficulties, study the persona's past experiences and expectations, and create user persona profiles from the learnings. This research provides valuable insights into user preferences and helps us design user-centric solutions that cater to their needs.

Learn about User Research


2.1 Design brief & materials revision

Our team collaborates with clients to define the design brief and project goals, revise references, concepts, wireframes, and other materials, read the documentation and technical data, and learn the limitations and constraints of the project.

2.2 Analysis & evaluation

Our team analyzes user feedback and proposes clever solutions following the learnings from topic research, competitor analysis, and user tests. We work with you on reported issues and test results to understand the ground for failures and extract actionable tasks. We outline user concerns and potential failure points.


3.1. Visual language

Our designers analyze and categorize the collected visual noise to establish the look and feel of the final result. We create color palette samples and draft concept screen graphics to reflect each mood. We propose several variations of mood board collages and produce visual proposals for the general appearance and styling language. By considering the "Visual language" keyword, we ensure that our designs are visually appealing and engaging to users.

3.2. Flow modeling & wireframes

Our team of designers uses wireframing tools such as Balsamiq, Sketch, or Figma to create low-fidelity prototypes and explore flow models. We incorporate user preferences from user research, follow users' mental models, and test the prototypes with click dummies in Figma, Invision, or Framer.

3.3 Advanced prototyping

Our designers produce high-fidelity prototypes using dedicated app design tools or HTML for web-based products. The advanced prototype addresses user concerns and client feedback before pushing the product or features to production. It saves tremendous effort in the development process and allows for early user testing. We iterate on earlier wireframes to extend them to the advanced prototype for an improved user experience.


4.1. UI design

Our user interface design follows a straightforward, contemporary styling that is comfortable and pleasurable for users to work with. We comply with the popular Atomic Design system to create an easy-to-maintain components library that can be extended with new elements. We use license-free fonts, icons, illustrations, and imagery to produce multiple design variations that incorporate perfect typography, adoptive coloring schemes, and element styling.

4.2. Advanced UI design

Our advanced user interface design process is iterative and includes rapid testing, feedback analysis, redefinitions, and modification. We focus on consistency, predictability, affordance, and system feedback to improve the overall usability and aesthetics of the interface. We define fundamental interactions, extend iconography, construct design systems from commonly used elements, and create variations for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop screens.

4.3. Conversational & voice-activated user interfaces

As voice assistants become ubiquitous and chatbots common, it's essential to consider how users interact with products and services using voice interfaces. We design intuitive voice user interfaces (VUIs) that respond to inputs in a natural way while considering user privacy and data protection. Our designers construct conversational interfaces and produce prompts that are easy to foretell. We also use design patterns and frameworks to make chatbots and voice assistants with existing products and services. Overall, we aim to ensure that users can interact with apps using the most convenient methods.

4.4. Web design

Our designers create beautiful, modern designs that are easy to consume and compliant with the client's brand. We focus on proposals for visitor flow, font combinations, coloring palettes, and element styling. We define responsive breakpoints for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop screens and construct a design system with reusable parts and templates for common pages like contact us, about us, reviews, policies, and more.

User Testing

5.1. Brief user tests

Our team offers quick reality checks and establishes the right direction per the users' expectations through short user testing sessions. We fine-tune wireframes and prototypes for testing, construct questionnaires, and formulate assumptions.

5.2. Advanced user tests

For careful adjustments to a user interface, we offer advanced user testing with thoughtful curiosity and serious anthropological study. Our team works on setting up the testing environment, leading the round of tests with numerous users, collecting and analyzing feedback, comparing various responses, and constructing comprehensive reports. We provide creative proposals for problem-solving through careful analysis and no assumptions.

More on User Testing


6.1. Handover

To transfer the design to development, we start with a final presentation to stakeholders. Our team revises and fine-tunes the final design, adjusts naming and appearance, double-checks the properties, and prepares a styling guide or design system. We provide UI guidelines or Project Log tools to illustrate how the design should look and feel. Additionally, we transfer source files and documents for other designers to extend the project.

6.2. Development support

Our team accompanies the implementation efforts to help implement designs. We clarify intended interface behaviors, present features and changes on the screen designs with annotations or on micro-prototypes, and provide references and explanatory texts for interactions and functionality. After some development progress, we test, adjust, and fine-tune the interface parts and animations. We propose various improvements according to feedback from the development team and users and participate in discussions and meetings related to development while working on assigned tasks.


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