Business Goals
Usability & Functionality
Abstractions & Concepts
time & value planning
User Experience
scientific research & analysis
Product Design
materialistic definition
Concept Design
artistic exploration
Construction, Morphology & Surfacing
Framing, Prototyping & Testing
Perception, Proposition, & Acquisition
Scope & Effort
investment vs. return
Human Factors
digital & physical ergonomics
technologies & constrains
color, materials, finish
Services / Cross-Section Design

Cross-Section Design

Cross-section design is a methodology extending the formal UX design practice. In addition to typical UX methods, the cross-section approach encourages designers to evaluate various business strategy aspects.

Numerous parameters in the business play a crucial role in trustworthy and reliable product creation. The design has to align with those parameters too.

Current Practice

In the current UX practice, business goals need to be addressed and raised to the same level as user needs. Cross-section does precisely that. It extends the traditional UX design practice and compensates for the shortcomings of solely user-focused methodology.

Design solutions have to rely on business objectives. Rather than focusing on the consumer's needs alone, designers must study overall business aspects.

Our Approach

Relying on an all-around user behavioral study, our designers aim to expose distinctive differentiators never discovered by any other party. Often resulting in new business opportunities and exposure of potential failure points.

For example, through detailed cross-section research, designers can offer product placement and pricing recommendations based on evolving cultural trends.

Hire us!

The same trend movements  may become deal breakers if management discovers them late. We run user interviews to provide complete analyses.

For us it is essential to consider business strategy and company's financial operations. We practice cross-section design and frequently identify additional income streams. The streams are otherwise not observable by market research or customer success efforts.

Results Driven Service

More about REsearch

We are reformatting complex systems using our cross-section methodology. The process starts from the research phase, where we revise every single aspect of a venture.

Cross-section analysis

We look into the business idea and its realization. We touch the brand and its vision. We look at what the venture is promising and where it fails.

Financial opportunities research

Upon necessity, we scout for grants and investment opportunities adopting the designs towards a better representation.

Product fail proofing

We strive to create fail-proof solutions that follow the best-known practices. We do it carefully while avoiding harm to functioning pillars.


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